Ladybugs in threes

During a (rare) period of calm I managed to finish Elena’s ladybug cardigan. It’s knitted from Bendigo Woollen Mills Luxury 10 ply in Stone. The buttons are from Beutron.

IMG_1052I love the ladybugs. They’re so bright.


Elena took off with one of the buttons while I was trying to sew them on. I guess I’m not the only one who loves the little critters.


The cardigan is a little on the big side, but she’ll grow into it over time. It will be two months until Canberra’s autumnal weather will require a cardigan, and hopefully Elena will be able to wear it again in Spring. That is, unless my little Miss finally has a growth spurt. Unlikely!

I’m becoming a big fan of Kelly Herdrich’s patterns. There are so many cute options – I’m hoping to cast on a Wyatt sweater for Hugo. Here’s hoping he turns out to be a good sleeper or I’ll never get any knitting done!

This entry was posted in baby, Bendigo Woollen Mills, in threes, knitting, yarn. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to Ladybugs in threes

  1. The lady bug buttons do add a lot of character to the sweater, adorable!

  2. Ruth says:

    I always find it so hard to find the perfect buttons!

  3. soisewedthis says:

    This is sooo sweet and adorable! Those lady bugs are perfect!

  4. Ros says:

    This is beautiful! The grey with the ladybug buttons is a perfect match. Thanks also for the lovely comment on my blog the other day! 🙂

  5. knitwonpurltoo says:

    What a darling sweater!!!

  6. Beautiful. Loving the buttons too!!

  7. Major Moma says:

    The sweater looks sweet and practical! Very nice. ~Major Moma

  8. Michelle says:

    This little sweater is absolutely adorable! The buttons are perfect. I’m off to check out the pattern. . .

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